050 – Scott Wlaschin

This episode features an interview with Scott Wlaschin. Scott has over 20 years experience in software development, design and architecture, covering all aspects of business software. He is the creator of the popular F# web site, fsharpforfunandprofit.com, and has done many F# presentations at conferences and user-groups around the world. Follow Scott on twitter: @ScottWlaschin

This interview was recorded on the 18th of May 2015 at the Infi offices in Utrecht.
Interview by @freekl and @daan_van_berkel

026 – Joshua Kerievsky

For this episode we recorded an interview with Joshua Kerievsky. Joshua is an early pioneer and expert in eXtreme Programming, an author and regular speaker and founder and CEO of Industrial Logic. We talk about patterns, refactoring, e-learning and some of the principles of Lean Startup.

You can follow him on twitter via @joshuakerievsky.

The interview was recorded at Igluu in Eindhoven.
Interview by @freekl and @Mmz_
Audio post-production by @mendelt

042 – Linda Rising

This month we bring you an interview with Linda Rising. Linda is an independent consultant who has authored four books and numerous articles and is an internationally known presenter on topics related to patterns, retrospectives, influence strategies, agile development, and the change process.

This interview was recorded on the 19th of June 2013
at the GOTO Amsterdam conference

Interview by @freekl and @DuchessFounder

030 – Alan Cooper

We were lucky to catch software legend Alan Cooper on his visit to Amsterdam and talk with him at length about design and programming. Alan tells about how he created products like the first incarnation of Visual Basic, and we discuss some fundamentals of interaction design. We also talk about how design fits into the software development process.

Follow Alan via his twitter handle @MRAlanCooper and through tumblr.

This interview was recorded on the 27th of april 2012 at the rehearsal theater of Hettoneelspeelt in Amsterdam.

Interview by @freekl en @arnetim
Audio post-production by @mendelt

41 – Dave Thomas

Dave Thomas is the Founder and Chairman of Bedarra Research Labs, which specializes in emerging software technologies and practices. Dave is a popular speaker with an impressive breadth of business experience and technical depth. He is an ACM Distinguished Engineer and has served on the awards committee for the past 3 years. He is also an adjunct research professor at Queensland University of Technology in Australia and Carleton University in Canada. Dave serves on the program committees for many technology conferences and is founder of the YOW! Australia conference.

In this interview Dave shares his views on how to deal with large legacy systems and still be innovative. We also discuss his opinions on software development methods and education. Be ready for some strong opinions!

This interview was recorded on the 19th of June 2013 at the GOTO Amsterdam conference

034 – Gojko Adzic

This month we bring you an interview with Gojko Adzic. Gojko is a frequent speaker at leading software development and testing conferences and runs the UK agile testing user group. Over the last eleven years, he has worked as a developer, architect, technical director and consultant on projects delivering equity and energy trading, mobile positioning, e-commerce, online gaming and complex configuration management. He is the author of several books and articles. In 2012 his book Specification by Example received the Jolt award.
To celebrate the Jolt Award, the publisher of Spec by Example is offering our podcast listeners a 37% discount on Specification by Example. Note that Goiko has recently published a new book Impact Mapping: Making a big impact with software products and projects, which we did not get around to discussing in this interview.

Follow Goiko on twitter via @goikoadzic or on his site on http://gojko.net/

This interview was recorded on the 8th of oct 2012 at the Holiday Inn Express in Amsterdam.

024 – Bram Duvigneau

This episode features an interview with Bram Duvigneau, a web developer and accessibility consultant. Bram shares his experiences as a blind developer and demonstrates the tools and techniques that he uses to program and use applications and websites. We also discuss some common accessibility issues.
Bram is on twitter as @bramduvigneau

This interview was recorded on the 19th of november 2011 in Didam.
Interview by @freekl and @TjeerdHans
Audio post-production by @Mendelt

030 – Michael Nygard

Michael Nygard, also known as ‘the most paranoid man in software’, has been a developer and architect for over 20 years. He worked in different domains, like the military, government and finance, and got in to operations in 2001. Michael is well-known for his book ‘Release It!: Design and Deploy Production-Ready Software’. You can follow him on Twitter: @mtnygard.

In this episode we talk with Michael about high-reliability teams and stressful situations, architectural patterns and what it means for systems to be production-ready.

This interview was recorded at the beautiful rehearsal theater of Hettoneelspeelt.

Interview by @freekl en @pjvds
Audio post-production by @mendelt

Devnology Podcast

Devnology happened during a brief, wonderful moment in time (about 6 years) where diverse members of the software development community would come together once a month and learn and experiment and uncover new ways of developing software. I wish I could point to all the write-ups of these events but the website is alas no longer alive. As they say in Dutch – gelukkig hebben we de foto’s nog.

Also during that period we would interview software people for our podcast. People have asked if these are somewhere available, and I will pick a few from out back catalog and place them here – for want of a better location. Let me know if you have any favorites you’d like me to include.

50 – Scott Wlaschin

42 – Linda Rising

41 – Dave Thomas

34 – Gojko Adzic

31 – Alan Cooper

30 – Michael Nygard

26 – Joshua Kerievsky

24 – Bram Duvigneau